Laureene O'Dorisio
In February of 2005 I made one of the best decisions ever for myself. My personal dealing with breast cancer began in August of 1993. I’ve had a lumpectomy, radiation, and then at later dates due to recurrences, a double mastectomy with reconstruction. The Breast Cancer 15-3 tumor marker test which I had been receiving every 3 months had elevated a few points above the normal range to 37. I had heard of the Stanislaw Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas through my readings of the Health and Healing newsletter by Dr. Julian Whitaker. In one of his articles, Dr. Whitaker explained that if he ever had cancer, he would definitely make a trip to Dr. Burzynski’s Clinic. I called there and had ALL my records copied and sent to Houston. My first appointment there was March 5, 2005. Bryan, my wonderful, caring husband and I flew there for about one week. While at the Burzynski Clinic, I had a full body PET scan that revealed a small lesion on the left humerus bone. I thought that was why my arm was bothering me during workouts and strength training. Actually, that turned out to be false…it was only a coincidence. The soreness and discomfort was a rotator cuff situation. The Burzynski Clinic offered treatments available to me to least interfere with a good quality of life. Dr “B” has been a prominent researcher for years, searching for a cure for cancer. He developed anti-neoplaston therapy, which attacks any cancer cells at the DNA level transforming them to normal cells. This is an unconventional therapy that Western medicine for the most part does not recognize. I found that many doctors are not familiar with this therapy at all. Bryan and I made a decision there to give it a try and to do all the different therapies Dr. Alam and others suggested at the clinic. I began taking Xeloda, which is a chemotherapy drug given orally. The clinic advocated a small dose each day rather than the higher dose most Western medical doctors advise. The reasoning was to keep the side effects down and to keep my life at a better quality. My feet became really dry, from the inside out…became very sensitive…it sounds fairly tolerable now…. and actually it was.
I was most grateful that the pills did not give me any hair loss. Along with the Xeloda, the anti-neoplaston pills (sodium phenyl butyrate), Dr. Alam advised me to begin the anti-angiogenesis drug called Avastin. In March of 2005, it had not yet been approved for breast cancer treatment, but was approved for colon cancer. My insurance did pay for it however, because some clinical trials had been accomplished. That was very comforting because it was about $2500.00 per treatment. Avastin was an infusion treatment given every 3 weeks. I began that around March 7, 2005, and then was able to continue the next treatments in San Diego through Dr. Stanton, my oncologist in my hometown. Bryan and I talked very candidly with him about what we wanted to do and I have to say he was extremely accommodating and understanding of our wishes. I was very thankful for his kindness to us. Avastin did raise my blood pressure somewhat and I felt really achy all over on about day 9 after treatment. My joints and bones and muscles all felt like I was elderly…quite stiff and rigid…. for instance it was difficult to even get up from a chair. But I continued to exercise and do strength training…actually I’m so grateful it was as tolerable as it was. These treatments continued until January of 2006. I took the Xeloda chemo pills with a few days off throughout until August 20, 2006.
It is now March of 2009, and I am HEALTHY, feeling absolutely wonderful and energetic. To this day, I am still taking a few of the PBs on a daily basis. I strongly feel that this regimen accompanied with hypnotherapy is each contributing to keeping my immune system very healthy and at its optimal level.
I’ve been extremely fortunate to have been aware of the Burzynski Clinic and believe Miracles Do Happen!!!!
I wish you all the health and happiness life has to offer!!!
Laurenne (Lolly) O’Dorisio
San Diego, CA