ANH-USA Special Issue: Joint FDA/Media Attack on Dr. Burzynski and His Patients:
Dying Patients Denied Access to Dr. Burzynski’s Potentially Lifesaving Treatment
FDA tells Burzynski to seek approval. When he agrees, they use this as an excuse to let his patients die. Action Alert!
Unbelievable! FDA Violates Patient Privacy Laws to Bring Down Dr. Burzynski
USA Today inadvertently revealed that the FDA has released private medical records to the media—without patient consent. Action Alert!
Exclusive: Inside USA Today’s Smear Campaign Against Dr. Burzynski
First they malign the cancer pioneer, then they refuse to let him rebut the allegations. Action Alert!
Deborah A. Ray, MT (ASCP)
Craig R. Smith
The Pulse of Natural Health. This newsletter is copyrighted material (© 2013 by Alliance for Natural Health USA) but we hope you will forward, copy, or reprint it without prior authorization. Just remember to note the source and date, and please link to original content on the ANH-USA website.
The information in The Pulse of Natural Health is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Readers are advised to consult a qualified professional about any issue regarding their health and well-being.
From:David Lauser
Date: November 20, 2013 0:19:15 PST
To: <
Sent: 11/15/2013 7:46:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Burzynski article
Dear Liz Szabo,
I am a cured breast cancer patient and I have a long story to tell about myself, but not right now. I would love to have an address so I could send you lots of proof to vent my feelings about the venomous quotes from people who hurt Dr. Burzynski. I have sent over a thousand letters to Senators and Congressmen about the FDA and their attacks on people and organizations.
I will send copies of those letters to you because they explain something that needs to addressed by the news media.
First of all, according to an edict from the FDA, Dr. B. is not allowed to take patients on the first level of treatment. Most of the patients he gets are in the 4th stage of cancer and chemo and radiation have already ruined their immune systems. I call the treatment from regular oncologists "Cut, Poison, Burn" and I bought a DVD with that name that describes what is available to people with cancer. The poison and burn parts are carcinogenic in themselves.
Next, the antineoplaston is the only drug in the world that cures gliomas or DIPG tumors. When this diagnosis is made, the patient will die within a year with a regular oncologist. Right now we have two potential patients petitioning the government for a release of antineoplaston for their cure. Please visit Liza Conzad , age 46, and Grant McKenzie Lowe, age 12 at: